ThingLink Spaces
A virtual reality application that allows you to add three-dimensional objects to space, where each 3D object can be explored in detail with tags containing information about that object.
Develop a welcome screen with content. The selected content should be movable within the space. Enable the use of the surrounding space for placing objects. Display content that can be included in the tags for study.
Follow the design principles of Vision OS and Apple HIG, simplifying the interaction for users who will be experiencing this new interaction for the first time.
360° media
High-resolution flat images can surround the user in space. Images contain tags that provide detailed information about the object to be studied.
Content hub
The library gives you quick access to content ready to put it in space. The library contains different types of content such as 3D models, images, videos or 360° media.
3D models
3D model can be moved in space. Tags allow you to familiarize yourself with information about the 3D model without closing it or moving to another window. The user gets an immersive learning experience.